Author: Scott Herrick

Week 14

Overview Welcome to Week 14.  It’s race week!   We will drastically reduce training hours this week while keeping a little speed/tempo work, and we will cut out strength work completely. Since Week 10 we have been building and refining your Race Week Planner and Race Day Planner, so hopefully […]

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Week 13

Overview Welcome to Week 13!  (2 weeks to go) This is the longest training week, and the longest single session for each of the swim, bike, and run disciplines.  We’ll have a final look at your race week and race day logistics as well, so that your upcoming week is […]

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Week 12

Overview Welcome to Week 12!  (3 weeks to go) This week is our last brick session before your race and a perfect time to do a dry run of your race clothing and transition setup. Topics & To-Dos Race Prep–Clothing: Main kit:  This week is time to decide what you […]

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Week 11

Overview Welcome to Week 11!  (4 weeks to go) We continue working on race logistics and equipment this week while extending the long run a bit. Topics & To-Dos Swim Skill–Arms Enter Straight Ahead:  There’s one last swim focus area to add to this program.  If you visualize looking top-down […]

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Week 10

Overview Welcome to Week 10!  (5 weeks to go) This week we start the last phase of your plan, Race Preparation.  There are 2 main goals of this phase: 1) Be physically ready for the race by building more endurance and 2) Reduce race week and race day stress by focusing […]

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Week 9

Overview Welcome to Week 9!  (6 weeks to go) This week is our second brick session (slightly longer than Week 6), where we will take a first look at hydration and fueling. Topics & To-Dos Hydration and Fuel Needs:  Up to now, you likely did not need any hydration for […]

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Week 8

Overview Welcome to Week 8!  (7 weeks to go) We are back to the long run this week, with a small increase from Week 5’s run. Topics & To-Dos Swim Skill–Feet Together:  We’ve worked in past weeks on skills needed to help keep your feet near the surface of the […]

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Week 7

Overview Welcome to Week 7!  (8 weeks to go) We will rotate through the 3 specialty weeks again: Long Bike, Long Run, and Brick (Bike + Run combined) with slightly increased hours.  This week features a longer bike. Topics & To-Dos Bike skills–Climbing:  Regardless if your race is hilly, learning […]

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Week 6

Overview Welcome to Week 6! (9 weeks to go)  This week is our first brick workout, that is a workout combining a bike and run back-to-back.   Topics & To-Dos The Brick–Bike + Run:  There are a few reasons we will practice combined bike-run workouts:  1) Get used to the […]

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Week 5

Overview Welcome to Week 5! (10 weeks to go)  This week we switch the long session to the run. Topics & To-Dos Swim Skill–The Pull:  This week we work on the main propulsion element, the pull.  During the stroke, you create a solid catch (covered in Week 3) by bending […]

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